Le Bon Ton
Are you the 'right sort'?
Are you the 'right sort'?
This game focuses on the challenges and business of matrimony for members of the minor gentry in the Regency Era.
Beset by challenges, each family is trying to maintain a stable position in society and secure a reliable future for the next generation. Responding to an invitation from one of the companions of the Duchess of Portland, you have been invited to outline your credentials to attend some social gatherings in town and country this season.
The Duke of Portland is unlikely to be in attendance, though as a relation of the Cavendish family and member of parliament he is clearly a respectable patron of the planned events, and it is likely they will be well furnished with delicacies and entertainments.
While hardly Le Bon Ton, these gatherings offer an excellent opportunity to make acquaintances of good character and even to discover a good match for those family members currently unwed.
Are you looking for romance, fortune, or simply to convince your family you'll settle down eventually? Perhaps it would be good to visit the Duchess...